"In heaven, will God ask for papers?"

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

God, our youth need your Goodness.

The day of Pentecost was a few days ago. The season of Easter finished up then, too. And tonight, I'm having a hard time remembering that the gift of the Spirit and the promise of Life-over-death continue on... that these mere church holidays don't represent the reality of God, just our human celebration/acknowledgment of God's revelation. "Easter is an everyday - an every moment - thing," I keep saying. And tonight is another one of those nights when all I can pray is: God - loving and alive Spirit - move in the lives of my youth... bring them some Easter, some life over the death and darkness in their lives.

"yeah, it was immigration."

The mom of two of our middle schoolers got detained last week for issues with her legal status.

Come, Holy Spirit.

"She says they don't have the $400 to fix his papers and let him go to camp..."

Another one of our youth is in the process of applying for Deferred Action, which would give him freedom to leave El Paso - to join us for a week at a camp in Arizona. Perhaps giving him the "best week of his life."

Come, Holy Spirit.

"miss, can i be dropped off last?...

...yeah, miss, I work every saturday and sunday at a maquila in juarez... do you know what a maquila is? yeah, I make the bombas for estufas... you know what those are? ok. yeah, look, see i have these on my hands (shows me scars and bruises on his thumb). so i do have some money. i go every weekend with my friend. i help my mom with the rent, too. she wants a job but she had one and it didn't work out because of her schedule and the kids..."

One of our 12-year-olds doesn't like to be at home. Ever. And when I ask if he can ask his mom if he can go to summer camp, his eyes drop and his voice goes low.

Come, Holy Spirit.

"You could tell that her dad was really pissed off. He was yelling a lot."

One of the youth group kids I work with didn't go walking straight home after youth group tonight. Instead she went to a friend's house and her dad came looking for her an hour later.

Come, Holy Spirit.

For our future leaders, for those who will change the world: Our youth. Our children. Our young friends.

Lord, fill them with your Spirit. May the darkness and injustice in their lives be met - be overcome - by your Goodness and Light.

Come, Holy Spirit.

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